Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Been a busy couple of weeks..and we fell behind in posting.

Well as you can gather our typist Grandma Donna has been a bit busy as of late. Her friend is very ill and she has been spending nights with her to assist in her care. Please everyone, pray for grandma's friend Dawn. She is a very special lady who IS fighting for her life.

To catch you up on my life; Daddy took us to an indoor amusement park at the IX Center last weekend. It was so cool! Even Miss Emma got to ride a few of the rides and of course she loved them. She loves everything that little sister of mine.

This past weekend I met a new friend, Dr. Esson. He is such a nice man and is a great listener. I think he and I will become good friends in the weeks to come. I also got my report card for the third grading period. Whoa! I did awesome! I have the highest possible marks I can get in kindergarten. And my teacher wrote that I am very enthusiastic to learn and my enthusiasism is contagious! That is what some people say of my little sister Emma with all her giggles and happy demeanor.

I guess we are both contagious little girls when it comes to learning, laughing and loving life. Papa and I did a breakfast date Sunday morning. My mom canceled visitation with us again, so Grandma & Papa invited me to spend the day with them. I always feel special when I am with them and it offers me a bit of big girl time to play on the computer without Miss Emma trying to turn off the buttons! You know how that goes with our angels. They cannot get enough of exploring the world around them.

The weather has been up and down, but I have been able to play outside a bit. Jumping on the trampoline and swinging. Two of my favorite outside activities. Friday, a friend of ours took me out for a girls day and we did lunch, some shopping and got our nails painted. You know the typical girl stuff. :-) I am really into bling bling stuff like sparkles and rhinestones and pretty things these days. Daddy says I get that from my grandma. You know what? I think he is right on that one. And grandma and I both love pink!

Over all, life has been pretty great for my little family. Spring is finally coming and the sun is shining again here in Ohio. Boy have we all been waiting for the sunshine! Spring break is over and I am back in school and happy to be there. I love school and enjoy learning as my teacher tells daddy. And daddy says that IS a great thing to love, learning. So I guess I am on the right track.

Well time to get ready for school. Lots more to learn and do for me. Have a great day!

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